
What's Required - Immunizations

​Why your child needs shots

The Arizona School Immunization Law requires that children be up-to-date on their immunizations (shots) to attend school or child care. Diseases like measles and whooping cough spread quickly, so children need to be protected before they enter.

Most children need booster shots before starting kindergarten and most high school students will need a tetanus diphtheria (Td) booster shot.

What will you need at registrations?

You will need your child’s Immunization Record. It must show the date your child was given each required shot. If you do not have an Immunization Record or your child has not received all of the required shots, please call your doctor now for an appointment or the local health department for the date and location of the next immunization clinic.

Which immunizations are required?

Review or print the Arizona Immunization Requirements provided by the Arizona Department of Health Services