How To Register Your Child
Do you need to register your child at Gila Bend Unified Schools? You'll need to stop by your child's school office and complete the enrollment packet. This packet contains the necessary information for enrollment in our district, like:
Home Address
Home or Work Phone
Parent's Names
Emergency Contact Information
Home Language Survey
Student Medical Information
For Returning students please access ParentVue here
For New enrollments please access ParenVue here
Child Find Screening and Referral Process
We will also need originals of the following documents:
Your child's birth certificate
Up-to-date immunization record
Social Security Card (Optional)
Certificate of Indian Blood (if applicable)
We will make copies and return the originals to you.
Students must be five-years-old by September 1 to be entered into the program. Parents of children without complete immunization records will be allowed to pick up registration materials, but will not be able to officially register their child until all immunizations are complete.
To learn more about immunization requirements, visit our immunizations page.